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Friday, 26 January 2018 21:31

Poppin' Open a Brand New Year

The New Year cometh! What's on your docket? What dragons will you slay, what cats will you herd, what other animal analogies will you concoct? JennyPop is ready for a new year! New Savannah of Williamsburg (Book IV finished and soon-to-be-published!), more Euro travel - likely with Tiny Mulder in-tow - and, as always, San Diego Comic-Con! Plus, whatever else may cross JennyPop's path. Who knows? Like Lemony Snicket's Violet Baudelaire, JennyPop's tying her hair in a ponytail and getting back to work after The Holidays, no matter the task ... as long as it involves reading, writing and bonkers-fun!

Happy New Year, kittens! Be courageous, be productive, be nice!

"Well, hey. I didn't spend all those years playing Dungeons and Dragons and not learn a little something about courage."

- Faulkner, The X-Files, "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'" (S3e20)


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Published in Recent Posts

Happy Hallowe'en to all!

"Where, oh, where have all the Jennifers gone?" I've been asked by a long-time reader, as it regards my dereliction of blogging duties. My latest blogs, it seems, date back to this summer: San Diego Comic-Con 2015. Yet, as I declared to my Viking yesterday, with the ferocity and conviction of Braveheart, "I shall Tweet, but I shall not blog until I finish this damn book!"

Yes, finally on the last chapter of Savannah of Williamsburg IV (working title), I am überfocused. (Need to catch up on Savannah of Williamsburg I-III? You still have time.) Nevertheless, my focus does not mean I could snub my fave holiday and let Hallowe'en pass without some form of post. Ergo, I give you Le Grand Citrouille!

This sporty, spooky, Candy Corn-hued V-dub was spotted, par Moi, parked near a Carlsbad, CA beach. Clearly this Québécois merveilleux shares a Peanuts-love the world over.

Long live The Great Pumpkin! Vive Le Grand Citrouille!

BTW, you can always enjoy JennyPop's fave Hallowe'en post, any year, even this year! "Aren't You A Little Old For Hallowe'en?" A costume recollection and Jenny's fave Hallowe'en TV, film and lit.

@JennyPopCom #WednesdayAddams #cosplay #VW #Halloween


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